Domestic use

- Security by online closed sircuit video monitoring and hook-up tp conventional burglar arlarms


e.g. by instant sms messaging in case of undesired events

 - Security by online closed sircuit video monitoring and hook-up tp conventional burglar arlarms


e.g. by instant sms messaging in case of undesired events


- Control of building/property auxiliary equipment


e.g. remote switching of electrical consumers as light, heating, air conditioning or....


Application Example

Remote watering of garden plants

Issue: The automated watering of delicate flowers is a challenge. If the soil is too dry the plants die but if the soil is too wet the incidence of damage by snails becomes unacceptable

Site: Germany where weather conditions are often unpredictable

Solution: soil moisture sensors have proven to be unreliable. Now the condition of the soil is monitored visually by a still camera which sends photography by email after a single sms command from e.g. a mobile phone. Another sms command switches a electromagnetic valve connected to the water mains then feeding a dripping hose when watering is required